十年再出发,对谈 ACU 主理人 Michael Chung
随着 ACU 2016 初春系列的预览发布会开幕,曾经象征着中国潮流文化开端的 ACU 也宣布正式回归。我们更与 Michael Chung 进行了一次独家访谈,感兴趣的朋友不容错过。
随着 ACU 2016 初春系列的预览发布会开幕,曾经象征着中国潮流文化开端的 ACU 也宣布正式回归。作为原 ACU 团队成员、现 ACU 主理人的 Michael Chung 为何要把这个承载着众多 80 后中国潮流爱好者美好回忆的品牌重新推出市场?接下来的 10 周年会有什么新动作?带着这些疑问,我们与 Michael Chung 进行了一次独家访谈,感兴趣的朋友不容错过。

请问你在 ACU 品牌中担任什么样的角色?
I take on many roles within ACU, even when it first started in 2006, but as of now I think you can call me the 主理人.
能否为我们介绍一下 ACU 最新的产品?
This new line of ACU clothes is to pay homage to some of the items that were made in the early years of the store/brand. We mixed up some of the designs, but we wanted to bring back ACU with a familiar face to the people who already know of ACU, and to reintroduce ACU to those who are new to it. We wanted to keep it simple and bold, so people could see where we come from.

ACU 已经停止了一段时间,是什么样的想法促使你将品牌再度推出?
ACU was one of the first street fashion select shops and sneaker boutiques, and we started a brand that we wanted to represent our knowledge and ideas. After many years of being dormant, and being the 10-year anniversary of the brand, we wanted to bring the brand back and reintroduce it to the younger generation of how this culture became about in Shanghai/China.
ACU 曾是令人记忆犹新的潮流店铺,现在其服装系列推出了,而ACU店铺却为什么没有重启?
I think a lot of people do not understand that opening a store with inventory requires a lot of capital, and in this day and age, I think the message and concept of what we are trying to do is more important than opening a store. With the growth of the Internet and communication, it is much easier to buy many of the popular brands on the Internet or via friends and family in different countries. The competition is extremely high for having a brick and mortar store, but maybe one day we will reopen ACU as a full store.

现在全新推出的 ACU 品牌,与之前 ACU 推出的单品有什么不同?
We released our clothes as a store item before and were only sold in our store. My new goal is to have the brand be available in many different stores throughout the world and online as well. We plan to release the brand in full collections with certain styles and items being spot items in the upcoming year.
以前 ACU 是店铺,现在它是一个独立品牌,那会不会在 KAFFIEND 以外的店铺售卖?
This idea has been discussed heavily amongst the team, and when the time comes ACU may or may not reopen as a full store.

ACU 品牌的设计以中国风为主,你觉得这一点会不会阻碍品牌未来的发展?
I believe we will retain a certain degree of Chinese influence in our designs, but overall I think we will have a wide range of designs in terms of clothing styles and designs. We will bring in the Chinese influence whenever we can and I hope our supporters will support our designs!
除了经典的针灸,有没有 ACU 其他的设计灵感或者元素会在以后呈现出来?
I think we will try and bring in creative designs with Chinese influence as well as what we feel is comfort, style, and quality. Besides the Chinese influence we want to bring in new ideas and designs in our clothing.
球鞋一直是 ACU 的重要部分,以前也有很多经典合作推出,那现在有没有的新的企划在创意中?
We are working on some new projects with some new partners in trying to bring new ideas and designs to our brand. Stay tuned for more news as the year progresses. Please don't forget that 2016 is our 10-year anniversary.

从球鞋店铺摇身一变成为今年末最受关注的全新街头文化品牌,ACU 在历经接近十年的风雨之后想必会在接下来的日子再创昔日的辉煌。到底明年 10 周年纪念 ACU 会有什么令人值得期待的大动作?恐怕现在除了 Michael Chung 之外还没有其他人知道,笔者也与各位同样期待明年的最新消息,大家记得留意 NOWRE 接下来的跟踪报道。如果想率先入手 ACU 重出江湖的第一弹单品,除了在 KAFFIEND、DOE、101 时尚工厂门店可以找到之外,ACU 官方线上商店也同样在售,各位有买趁手了。