如果你是 NOWRE 的忠实读者,一定对《墙外世界》这个栏目不会陌生。对于 Instagram 在国内被限制的尴尬情况,我们一直通过这一栏目来为你摘取“墙外”各种新鲜且有意思的信息。当然,今天的这篇文章不是另一篇《墙外世界》,如果非要定义的话,你可以将它当做是更深刻、更全面的加强版。为什么这么说?听我为你细细道来。

在为大家寻找有意思的信息的过程中,我们自己也发现到了一些之前没有了解到的新鲜事物。而来自巴黎的设计师 Cherif 和他的设计,就是其中之一。在之前的文章中,我们就曾对这些设计有过简单的介绍,不知道的话,我猜你一定没认真看。而如今,Cherif 已经拥有了一大批粉丝,甚至还得到了 FEAR OF GOD 主理人 Jerry Lorenzo 的赞赏。可惜的是,隔着一道“墙”的我们,却对他的了解甚少。究竟他是谁?他的设计又为什么如此受欢迎?我们带着疑问,找到了他,并和他探讨了一些问题。毕竟,由这些设计的“主人”来解答我们心中的疑惑,再合适不过了。



Cherif Khaldi

Graphic Designer , Character Designer



「 I’ve had a lot, lot, lot of asking. From famous people too 」

「  有很多很多人想要与我合作,包括一些很出名的人物 」


- Even though we’ve shared a lot of your designs on our articles but not many Chinese audience are that familiar with you,could you please introduce more about yourself ?

- 虽然在我们的文章中有多次跟大家分享过你的设计,但中国的朋友可能对你还不是很熟悉,先跟我们介绍一下你自己吧。

My name is Cherif, I’m 25, and i’m from Paris. I’ve been raised with two distinct passions, the Japanimation ( Anime, Book, VideoGames and Figures ) / Disney Animated too! And also, the Hip Hop culture. So I draw since 8 Years old, and never stop.  Have a graduation in Litterature, and a fourth year of university degree in Animation/Graphic Design. My love for fashion and sneakers came when I met my Fiancée, 9 years ago!

我叫 Cherif,25 岁,我是法国巴黎人。从小时候起我就很喜欢日本动漫、书、电子游戏,还有里面的那些人物,另外我也很爱看迪士尼动画!除此之外,Hip Hop 文化对我的影响也很大。所以我在 8 岁的时候就开始尝试自己画画,直到现在。我毕业于文学系,并且拥有一个动画/平面设计的大学学位。9年前,我认识了我现在的未婚妻,也是她影响了我,让我开始喜欢上时尚、球鞋这些东西。

Cherif 和他的未婚妻

- What do you actually do for your career? Has design already become your occupation?

- 你本身是做什么工作的?还是说现在设计已经成为了你的主业?

I used to work as graphic designer, then became props designer for cartoon show, and ended as a character designer still for those shows. Now I would love to follow my dream, and get into the fashion and sneakers industry.



现在也在做一些人物的设计,只不过与潮流结合到了一起。(孙悟空和 Kanye West)

- Your works started becoming popular on Instagram at first, what’s the advantage and disadvantage for well-developed network world in your opinion?

- 可以说你的作品是在 Instagram 上被很多人认识的,对你来说发达的互联网时代有什么利弊呢?

The main advantage is visibility! Your works is seen by the most, and sometimes you can reach the ones that can give you opportunity. The disadvantage is that you are showing your work, and there’s a lot of jackers in there.. Some of my work have been reposted all over the internet, without any tags or credit. But, that’s the game, if I play it, I should be able to handle that.



像这样的 Instagram 评论还有很多很多

- Is there anyone who wants to collaborate with you after your works becoming more and more popular? What brand do you want to collaborate with the most?

- 在你的设计越来越被人欣赏之后,有没有人想要和你合作?你自己最想合作的品牌是?

I’ve had a lot, lot, lot of asking. From famous people too, but I’m a pretty focused and let’s say it, obsessed guy.. As long as I’ve not reach my goal. I’d like to stay in my own path. I do love the new Adidas.. Won’t say more. haha.

有很多很多人想要与我合作,包括一些很出名的人物。但我是个十分执着的人,只要还没有达到目标,我就想在自己的道路上坚持下去。至于最想合作的品牌,我只能说现在很喜欢 adidas,哈哈。


这是他的其中一些日常鞋款,看得出来,他的确很喜欢 adidas





「 I’m not a fan of Supreme and PALACE,so they did not appear in the design of mine 」

  我不是 Supreme、PALACE 的粉丝,所以我的设计中也没有出现它们 」


- We notice that the brands and elements you choose on your work are very popular at the moment, why do you choose them? Is it because you simply like them or they are able to get a lot of attention from people?

- 我们发现你设计时所涉及的品牌和元素都是现在十分流行的,在选择它们时是自己本身就很喜欢还是仅仅因为它们比较受关注?

As long as I still can choose what I do, I only work with things that I love. 


- We’ve noticed that you’re good at understanding the fashion elements, what element do you think that is going to become popular next? Such as type font or any detail?

- 我们发现你对流行元素把握的很好,你觉得下一个很有可能会火的元素是什么?比如字体或者是细节?

I don’t know, let’s talk real. I can’t understand all the trends, I’ve got a really critical mind. And I’m into that “emotional” way of things, but I also got that Understanding point of view.I need to understand “Why” is that working, and why it isn’t. So I can’t predict future, but i’m working on some personal things, with a futuristic view.



adidas Calabasas 假想服装系列

- Supreme and PALACE these skateboarding brands lead the streetwear trends at the moment, why they are not on your works?

- 说到流行,就不能不提到 Supreme 和 PALACE 等滑板品牌,它们怎么没出现在你的设计当中?

I’m not a fan of those at the moment to be honest. That’s why.





「 Jerry Lorenzo told me that I had “good ideas” 」

「  Jerry Lorenzo 与我交流过我的设计,他说我的想法很棒 」


- What’s the procedure if you want to design a pair of shoes or a series?

- 当你要设计一双鞋子或是一个系列的时候,流程是怎样的?

The idea, the concept! It can happens anytime! That’s awesome, I love that part of my mind. When I see something sometimes it pop up inside my head, and boom! I need to draw it, it can be a character, a sneaker or some clothes! Just boom!After that, I go to my computer, open photoshop, and sketches a lot, then I try to make a render of it! If I like it, I stock it or post it. If I don’t I just delete it !

首先最重要的就是灵感和想法!我的脑中经常会迸发出很多灵感,这也是我对自己很满意的地方。当一些灵感出现在我脑中,我会立刻将它们画出来,有时候是一些人物,有时候是鞋子或者衣服。在那之后,我会打开电脑用 photoshop 画出草图,然后将它完整化。成果做出之后,如果我觉得满意,我会发到网上与大家分享,反之就会删掉它们。


FEAR OF GOD x adidas Originals 假想鞋款系列,真的蛮帅的…

- A lot of people were astonished by your work of FEAR OF GOD x Adidas, has Jerry Lorenzo talked about it with you?

- 很多人都被你设计的 FEAR OF GOD x adidas 系列惊艳到了,Jerry Lorenzo 有没有和你聊过它们?

haha, thanks.. And yes, he told me that I had “good ideas” but that a lot of people came to him asking him where it would comes out. He also told me that he was “not working with adidas” and he warned me about all my post because of the jackers on instagram. He’s a good guy. I hope to be able to work with him one day.

哈哈,谢谢。Jerry Lorenzo 与我交流过我的设计,他说我的想法很棒。有很多人跑到 Jerry 那里问他,这个合作是不是真的?但他却回答“我没有和 adidas 合作”。另外,他还让我警惕 Instagram 上那些不怀好意的人。他人真的很好,我希望有一天能与他一起工作。


这就是他的“成名作”-- FEAR OF GOD x adidas Originals 假想服装系列

- A lot of people and brands are starting to spoof on some luxury brand, do you think your works are sort of spoof in some way?

- 现在很多人和品牌都喜欢对一些大牌进行恶搞,你觉得你的设计算是一种恶搞吗?

haha, no. I try to imagine things that could get sold. Just playing with the trends. No way that spoof thing.



ALEXANDER WANG x adidas Originals 假想鞋款系列


- Of course, many people think that your design is better than some official design, what do you think about it?

- 当然,也有很多人认为,你的设计要比某些官方设计还要好,对此你怎么看?

Oh.. Didn’t knew about that.. I’m kind of surprised. Let me say thanks ? haha.Design got always some limits to stay affordable. Mine are for the moment just drawing, so I can do what I want. Maybe that’s why.



A BATHING APE® x adidas Originals 假想服装系列,夜光效果还挺狂…

VLONE x NikeLab 假想服装系列,上面是 A$AP Bari 和 A$AP Rocky 吗?


- Are you concerned about people will get tired of the pattern of your design?

- 会担心这种频繁且重复的设计形态,会给人带来视觉疲劳吗?

I always listen to the public opinion.. Those characters are made to easily represent the clothes I’d like to show. That’s it. But I’m gonna make some new!




A BATHING APE® x Black Pyramid 假想服装系列,把 Chris Brown 最喜欢的孙悟空和 BAPE® 结合了,我仿佛看到了悟空的新战衣


「 Original design is always my goal since the day i started to draw 」

「  原创,是我从开始设计第一天起就定下的目标 」

- We all know that there is a huge difference between graphic design and clothes, have you thought about making your designs become clothes?

- 我们都知道,图像设计与制作出成衣的区别是很大的,有没有想过将这些设计制作出成衣来?

Yes. All those posted on Instagram are branded design, and let’s be honest half of the like comes from the love from the people to the brand they see. But I’ve got a lot of fresh ideas, and done design. But i’ll drop them when the brand is ready haha.

的确。那些发在 Instagram 上的设计,老实说有一半都因为人们喜欢那些品牌才会去关注。但我已经有很多新想法,并完成了设计。等到时机成熟了,我就会把它们发布出来,哈哈。


Yeezy Boost 450 假想鞋款,日文真的很来感,而且不仅仅是外观设计,对结构的思考也还蛮清晰的

- Is there any chance you may start your own design without involving any other brands?

- 以后会不会做不涉及任何品牌的原创设计?

Yes. It’s one the way since day one. haha



OFF-WHITE x adidas Originals 假想服装系列,感觉要是推出的话,每个都可能是爆款…


- Would you make profit from your design if that’s possible?

- 如果可行的话,你会将你的设计用于盈利吗?

No. I’m already working to get money. And I’m not after that, I’m more into reaching my goal.


- What’s your next plan? Are you going to bring any surprises for your followers?

- 接下来的计划是什么?会不会给我们带来一些别的惊喜?

Sure, a lot.. haha But let’s keep some mystery.



最新假想设计 -- FEAR OF GOD x adidas Originals Prime Boost



看到这里,相信你对 Cherif 以及他的设计已经有所了解了。从这次的访问中,我也亲身的感受到了他对于潮流、球鞋的热爱,以及那些值得我们深思的观点。尽管我还有很多他的设计想要和你们分享,但由于篇幅有限,我们只能在今后慢慢道来了。


( source:Cherif Khaldi )

( 图片及资料来源:Cherif Khaldi )


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